Last Updated on 1 year by Greg Noland

Freelance Copywriter-learning-copywriting-with-stefan-georgi-RMBC

I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately asking me “How to make money as a freelance copywriter”, so rather than answer each person individually, I might as well write a whole blogpost as I’m sure other subscribers to this copywriting blog have the same question.

Are you tired of your mundane 9-5 job? Are you sick of the morning traffic?

Do you long for the freedom and flexibility to work from the comfort of your own home? 

Then, my friend, freelance copywriting may be the answer you’ve been searching for! 

As an experienced copywriter, I’m here to share my insights on how you can break into this lucrative field and make money writing persuasive copy. So, grab a cup of coffee (beer preferred), sit back, and let’s dive into the exciting world as a freelance copywriter.


Master the Art of Copywriting

Before you can make money as a freelance copywriter, you’ll need to hone your skills. Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Copywriting Course is an excellent starting point, as it provides a proven framework for crafting high-converting copy. 

To make money as a freelance copywriter, you need to Invest time in learning the ins and outs of persuasive writing. Understanding your target audience. And developing a unique voice.


Build a Stellar Copywriting Portfolio

Your portfolio is your ticket to landing clients. You should showcase your best work, including samples of different copy types (e.g., sales pages, email sequences, blog posts, etc.). 

If you’re starting from scratch, consider creating mock projects. You can either pick a product in your chosen niche and act like you have a job to promote it. Or offer your services pro bono to gain experience and build credibility.


Develop Your Personal Brand

As a freelance copywriter, you are your own brand. Create a professional website that highlights your skills, experience, and unique selling proposition. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to showcase your expertise, engage with potential clients, and network with fellow copywriters.


Network and Build Connections

The more people who know about your copywriting services, the more opportunities you’ll have. Attend industry events, webinars, and workshops to network with potential clients and other copywriters. Join online forums and communities to exchange ideas, ask questions, and establish yourself as an expert in the field.


Leverage Job Platforms and Freelance Marketplaces

Sign up for job platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr to find clients in need of copywriting services. While competition can be fierce, landing a few initial projects can help you build a solid reputation and attract more clients. My advice would be to take on a few projects, even if they are only for $50 or $100. That way, you can build your profile, get some experience, learn how the Upwork system works, and basically get in the game.


Set Competitive Rates

Research industry standards and determine a competitive rate for your services. Consider factors like your experience, niche, and location when setting your fees. As you gain more experience and build your portfolio, you can gradually increase your rates. AWAI has a great pricing guide you can work from when you are just finding your feet. Click HERE to see it.


Choose Your Niche Carefully

You’re going to be writing within this niche for a few years, so make sure you choose a niche you’re not going to be bored senseless within a few months.

While it’s possible to be a generalist, specializing in a specific niche can make you more marketable and allow you to command higher rates. Identify industries or topics you’re passionate about and focus on becoming an expert in those areas.


Deliver Exceptional Work

A successful freelance copywriter consistently delivers top-notch work that exceeds client expectations. Always meet deadlines, be responsive to feedback, and maintain open lines of communication. 

Satisfied clients are more likely to refer you to others and come back for more work.


Test and Optimize Your Copy

A great copywriter continually tests and refines their copy to ensure it resonates with the target audience and drives results. Stay informed about industry trends and best practices, and never stop learning and growing.


Build Long-Term Client Relationships

Building long-lasting relationships with clients is key to consistent income and growth as a freelance copywriter. Be proactive in offering solutions to their problems, and go the extra mile to make their lives easier. 

A loyal client base will provide you with a steady stream of work and referrals.


Hone Your Soft Skills

While writing prowess is essential, soft skills like time management, communication, and adaptability are equally crucial to your success as a freelance copywriter. 

As you work with different clients and juggle multiple projects, efficient time management will help you meet deadlines and avoid burnout. 

Effective communication is key to understanding your clients’ needs and expectations, while adaptability enables you to navigate changing project requirements with ease.


Implement a Marketing Strategy

To attract a steady stream of clients, you’ll need to market your services. Create a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and social media promotion. 

Share valuable content that showcases your expertise, such as blog posts, case studies, or whitepapers, and optimize your website for search engines to increase visibility. 

Create your ‘Hot 100’ list of preferred clients. Then reach out to them with targeted email campaigns and also engage with your audience on social media platforms.


Keep Learning and Stay Informed

The world of copywriting is ever-evolving, and staying informed about industry trends, new tools, and best practices is crucial to staying ahead of the competition. 

Read books, articles, and blogs by established copywriters, attend workshops and conferences, and participate in online courses to sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge. 

Learning from experts like Stefan Georgi and applying their proven techniques will propel your copywriting career to new heights.


Collaborate with Other Professionals

Freelance copywriting often involves working with other professionals, such as graphic designers, web developers, and marketers. 

But perhaps the most beneficial contacts I made were with fellow copywriters in the RMBC group. The friendships I built through the private RMBC Facebook group have been invaluable.

Plus, collaborating with experts in complementary fields can also help you deliver comprehensive solutions to your clients, increasing your value and appeal. 

Moreover, these collaborations can lead to new client referrals and expanding your network.


Manage Your Finances Wisely

As a freelancer, you’re responsible for managing your finances, including tracking income, expenses, and taxes. Set up a system to manage your financial records, and consider consulting a financial advisor or accountant to ensure you’re making smart financial decisions. 

Regularly review your financial health, set realistic goals, and plan for emergencies or lean periods.


Prioritize Self-Care and Work-Life Balance

Freelance copywriting can be demanding, but it’s essential to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

Set boundaries between work and personal life, take regular breaks, and schedule time for hobbies, exercise, and relaxation. 

Maintaining your well-being will not only improve your productivity but also ensure you enjoy the benefits of a flexible freelance lifestyle.


Seek Feedback and Learn from Critiques

Constructive feedback is invaluable for your growth as a copywriter. Regularly ask for feedback from clients, peers, and mentors to identify areas of improvement and refine your skills. 

Embrace critiques with an open mind, learn from them, and apply those lessons to your future projects.

Be Persistent and Patient

Building a successful freelance copywriting career takes time, effort, and perseverance. Don’t be discouraged by initial setbacks or rejections; instead, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. 

Stay persistent in your efforts to find clients, improve your skills, and market your services. With dedication and patience, your hard work will pay off, and you’ll enjoy the rewards of a thriving freelance career.


Final Thoughts on ‘How to Make Money as a Freelance Copywriter’

Making money as a freelance copywriter isn’t just a pipe dream. With determination, skill, and the right approach, you can escape the 9-5 grind and create a thriving career in the comfort of your own home. 

You’ll be well on your way to making money as a freelance copywriter just by following all the points raised in this blog post.

By mastering the art of copywriting, building a stellar portfolio, and fostering long-term client relationships, you can achieve your dreams.

Remember, the journey to becoming a high-paying copywriter requires dedication, persistence, and continuous improvement. 

You’re NOT going to be making millions in your first year. Although, it’s certainly not impossible if you are writing copy for your own product.

However, go steady in the beginning. Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow. And always be on the lookout for ways to refine your craft. 

With hard work, passion, and the right mindset, you can turn your copywriting skills into a lucrative and fulfilling career, leaving the monotony of your 9-5 job far behind.

Now it’s time to take action. 

Armed with these insights, you have the knowledge and motivation to kickstart your freelance copywriting journey. 

And there’s no better copywriting course right now to fast track your success than Stefan Georgi’s RMBC.

So go ahead, click this link >> to dive into Stefan Georgi’s RMBC Copywriting Course, sharpen your skills, and embark on the path to making money as a freelance copywriter. 

Your exciting new career awaits!

Greg Noland, freelance copywriter

Ok, time for my afternoon workout. 

I hope the points I covered in this post help you to become a successful freelance copywriter fast!

For now,

Greg Noland

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